Despite what many of the established mobile specialists say, Apps are where we are at in terms of high profile content. The fact is many brands just wanted one, despite the ROI, and for the last 18 months or so that was great. If managed well the cut through and buzz of the App was all that was required.
But like any campaign we need to look at the big picture. Mary Meeker, Morgan and Stanley's internet analyst has just released a report showing interesting figures about mobile internet browsing and how in just a few short years it will over take PC browsing. For now though its still important to view mobile internet browsing as 'snacking' and we need to deliver mobile specific content for this space rather than a mobile friendly full blown site, as many many people still don't have big screens like the current smart phones.
And then there's good old SMS the stalwart of the mobile marketing, from a creative point of view I've not seen too many good examples, but that's because generally the campaigns are left to companies that are more technical than creative, however they still delivered, and for most that was good enough. Regardless, SMS is a great tool in the mobile marketing tool box, and I think should always be included when done correctly.
I'm now seeing the fruits of my labour from the last 5 years or so. I've gone from; 'maybe we should look at this mobile thing' to 'we have put mobile on the agenda' to 'mobile was in the initial budget, but with overruns, we had to cut the budget from somewhere' to now it's ' we can't afford not to do it' ...still small percentages but mobile budgets are here to stay, and grow and grow.
I'm currently working at Ogilvy & Mather Advertising - Mobile Technologies
WPP - Leaders in Advertising, Branding, Marketing.