... but has the horse already bolted, so to speak. The answer must be yes. May be that is why there is a delay in OVI actually opening its doors. With Apple's App store success, Nokia's version is going to have to be really good. However reading the Nokia developer forums, there may be cause for concern, but lets think positively, it will be great and it will provide the millions of dedicated Nokia users a much needed source of content. I just wonder though,.. there isn't too much publicity about OVI yet, and it is supposed to be launching this month, so how will the public know about it? With Nokia taking 30% share of the revenue, they could stand to make a decent amount of money (Apple are reported to have made upto $45 million from the first billion downloads, in well under a year) Lets hope that there is a TV advert campaign being planned, lets hope that the UI is simple, and I really hope it will be successful. Then we can look forward to Vodafone doing the same by the end of the year
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