Wednesday, 17 March 2010

It's been far too long!

At last I get to write on my own blog. So much has happened since I last wrote an entry!
Well the iPad has arrived, am I a fan? ... yes; is it perfect? no. Does it need to be? No. I'll still buy one! Lets go back 35 odd years, and I remember as a small child being in awe of a printed colour picture in a book. I touched it, and tilted the page, but I couldn't work out how the image got on the page, at that very young age I had no concept of printing. Move back to the present, and with the birth of tablets such as the iPad, I can't see why anyone would stick with a static image. Imagine if tilting the device shows a different angle of the same object; turn the device left and right and the object you are looking at rotates to correspond with the users motion. Not to mention being able to touch the screen to drag the object to spin it 360. Some of this is demo'ed in the wired magazine example of their tablet publication...awsome. When the public get to play with this stuff, will they ever go back to the printed version? Well yes they will, as I will, but will there be a huge market for this new interactive medium, too right there will be.

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