Every now and then I respond to a call for action SMS shortcode. The other night I was watching the telly and an advert came on for the new Volvo XC60. I quite liked the advert and it was tied in with the call for action; text 'LOVE' to 84880. Something inside me said go on.... do it!.... see if you get something good this time, the other half of me was saying, dont bother, but my curiosity got the better of me, so I texted away. And yet again I was left frustrated and disappointed. All I got back for my effort was to do something else, ie fill out my details for a brochure. But I dont want a brochure, I want something exciting or rewarding to view on my mobile device ....aaargh. Even the web address they put at the end of the message wasnt a link that I could simply click. This is just such a wasted opportunity, no funky little animation, no offer to see a sexy new gadget in more detail, not even a poxy screensaver....but still I wont give up, where's that super hero mobile content outfit of mine....I have a job to do, oh dear, sorry I've just been watching the film Armagedon
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