However, I'm just as excited to see more companies introduce their own touch devices. The potential for mobile marketing is getting greater and greater with these stunning devices. I guess, though, it's not so much the touch side of things that makes them great; although it adds to the excitement of using them. But the UI's on both the HTC G1 and the Blackberry Storm look really good.
However the key to the browsing experience, is an unlimited data tariff, once the threat of a horrible data bill has been lifted, the users will happily browse and download content, and if the the user experience is great then so much the better. This has been proven with the data usage on the iPhone.
It's also great to see that the HTC and Blackberry have a few features that are better than the iPhone; the G1 has cut and paste for example, there are plenty more, but I'm not writing this to do product comparisons.
I wonder how long it will be before these type of devices, come with a £20 per monthly tariff, including the normal voice and text bundle, but with unlimited data? I wonder if that could ever be profitable, maybe the operators will introduce ad funded data along the lines of Blyk to offset the cost.
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